Gun Nut WV Sen. Manchin Puts High-Round Ammo Clips On The Table

I don't know if you remember this TV commercial that ran in 2010. It was repulsive. West Virgina Senator Joe Manchin is as pro-gun as a Senator can be. If the NRA had an A+++ rating -- especially for Democrats, who they rarely endorse -- he

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I don't know if you remember this TV commercial that ran in 2010. It was repulsive. West Virgina Senator Joe Manchin is as pro-gun as a Senator can be. If the NRA had an A+++ rating -- especially for Democrats, who they rarely endorse -- he would get it, but a one hundred score is the best he could do. I don't know why he's a Democrat, either, after listening to what he stands for in that ad, but that being said, the shooting has loosened him up at least on magazine clips. Here's a little of what he said on Morning Joe.

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“I just came with my family from deer hunting,” Manchin said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I’ve never had more than three shells in a clip. Sometimes you don’t get more than one shot anyway at a deer. It’s common sense. It’s time to move beyond rhetoric. We need to sit down and have a common-sense discussion and move in a reasonable way.”

“I don’t know anyone in the hunting or sporting arena that goes out with an assault rifle,” he said. “I don’t know anybody that needs 30 rounds in the clip to go hunting. I mean, these are things that need to be talked about.”

I don't really trust him, but the massacre at Sandy Hook is forcing some gun freaks (though not the terminally insane Louis Gohmert) to at least change some of their talking points.

Manchin also said more than gun control might be needed to prevent future mass shootings.

“This is bigger than just about the guns,” he said. “It’s about how we treat people with mental illness, how we intervene, how we give them the care they need, how we protect our schools.”

A conservative Democrat, Manchin famously used a rifle to shoot a piece of climate control legislation in a television ad. The National Rifle Association endorsed his reelection bid.

All 31 senators with an “A” rating from the NRA declined to appear on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” to discuss gun control, according to host David Gregory.

All those pro-gun Senators showed what cowards they are by refusing to appear on the Sunday morning talk shows to defend their lifelong positions and slavish backing of the NRA. Most NRA members actually are in favor of tighter gun controls, but then again, members don't receive huge amounts of money from the gun manufacturers NRA to support them.

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