I Wish Arnold Would Take A Hint From Palin And Just Quit

If you didn't see John McCain's weasel defense of Sarah Palin quitting her position as Governor after he vouched for her character when he chose her

If you didn't see John McCain's weasel defense of Sarah Palin quitting her position as Governor after he vouched for her character when he chose her to be his VP, you should. David Gregory even listed his own political history, which included scandals, personal attacks and being tortured to list a sort of character building for not quitting, and asked again, "How could she just quit?" His responses were very weird. Palin threw in the towel when it got rough and walked away from the voters of Alaska to make a fortune of doubloons.

If anybody should quit a governorship, it should be Arnold because he's led the great state of California into financial ruin in tandem with the legislature. Is California worse off than Alaska? You betcha. Did Arnold quit? No...I kinda wish he would.

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