Idiot Tweet Of The Day

The above tweet is what Patrick Ruffini thought of after the news broke of OBL's demise. Republicans will be scrambling all this week to proclaim that George Bush was the real hero in all of this. Too bad. Ruffini happens to be the webmaster for

The above tweet is what Patrick Ruffini thought of after the news broke of OBL's demise. Republicans will be scrambling all this week to proclaim that George Bush was the real hero in all of this. Too bad. Ruffini happens to be the webmaster for the Bush and Cheney campaign in 2004. I think most Republicans threw away their Bush paraphernalia a long time ago.

But we didn't forget this one.

Mission Accomplished

Maybe the next Obama conspiracy theory will be about how they planned this to happen on the eighth anniversary of Bush's flight-suit-codpiece gig. Heck, Drudge already thinks this was a plot to upstage Trump's "Celebrity Apprentice" show.

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