If Only It Were True

For once I wish Glenn Beck was right: On his radio show, Beck stated that while "Obama did inherit a bad situation," "he has made it 1,000 times

For once I wish Glenn Beck was right:

On his radio show, Beck stated that while "Obama did inherit a bad situation," "he has made it 1,000 times worse and created a situation to where the state can grab power like crazy." He then pointed to the financial reform bill as an example of government's "frightening" power, saying that under the bill, "they can grab companies" that "they think" are "a danger to the nation." Gray added: "[T]hat's any company that they deem big enough to harm the economy, they can take control over."

From the June 25 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program:

BECK: Yeah, Barack Obama did inherit a bad situation. Now, what has he done with that situation? He has made it 1,000 times worse and created a situation to where the state can grab power like crazy. What is in this new financial bill, they can grab companies. They think that it is a danger to the nation? They can just grab it and shut you down. That's a little frightening with that power.

GRAY: And that's not companies who've taken stimulus, that's any company --

BECK: Any company.

GRAY: -- that they deem big enough to harm the economy --

BECK: Any company.

GRAY: -- they can take control over.

BECK: Now, let me ask you this. Could you say that Fox News?

GRAY: Yes.

BECK: You darn right you could.

GRAY: Yes.

BECK: Could you say that talk radio is?

GRAY: You bet.

BECK: Of course you can.

GRAY: You could take control of Clear Channel.

Maybe Chris Dodd snuck in a provision somewhere that we don't know about and this could happen. Conspiracies are everywhere for the man that cherishes golden plates and opines like a true John Bircher.

On the flip side, Beck sure wishes blacks didn't own MLK day.

Oh, and "too many" have gotten lazy and distorted Martin Luther King's ideas.

Yep that's Beck, the most idiotic man in the media. Well almost. Wingnuts everywhere are having a hard time understanding what's wrong with that comment:

@DanFosterNRO offensive b/c Beck wrong 2 say blacks think that or b/c blacks DO own MLK?

I guess it just doesn't occur to these people that any discussions of "owning" an African American civil rights icon are, by definition, offensive. To then derisively tell blacks that they don't own him and then in the next breath say they have gotten "lazy" and distorted his ideas is so obviously outrageous that I have to think they are being purposefully obtuse. This isn't political incorrectness, it's just plain old crude stupidity...listen in here.

Now this one we all know how offensive even the suggestion of this idea made by Beck is.

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