Jay Carney Says Entitlement Cuts Are Good For American People
Jay Carney told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC that entitlement cuts are good for the American people. Really? Good for who?
Did you know that the Chained-CPI is actually a middle class tax hike?
Did you also know that none of that, by law, can go to fund Social Security's projected "shortfall?" And that if they do change that law, it will forever put an end to the dedicated revenue stream that keeps SS out of the general budget? I'm afraid so:
If the chained CPI is adopted as part of a budget deal unconnected to any larger plan for Social Security then it effectively means that there will have been a substantial cut to Social Security benefits without any quid pro quo in terms of increased revenue. This hardly seems like a good negotiating move from the standpoint of those looking to preserve and strengthen the program.
And did you also know that the chained-CPI cuts alone will not close the projected shortfall? So, even if this is done, we'll be right back here in a few years looking for new ways to "save" Social Security by cutting it.
There is no point to this madness. Switching to a chained CPI formula does not fix Social Security (if that's their goal) and only imposes harsher living conditions for seniors. If Washington truly wants to fix the economy then why doesn't it consider the Congressional Progressive Caucus' Back To Work plan?
But there’s a plan that does: the proposal from the Congressional Progressive Caucus, titled “Back to Work,” which calls for substantial new spending now, temporarily widening the deficit, offset by major deficit reduction later in the next decade, largely though not entirely through higher taxes on the wealthy, corporations and pollution.
I’ve seen some people describe the caucus proposal as a “Ryan plan of the left,” but that’s unfair. There are no Ryan-style magic asterisks, trillion-dollar savings that are assumed to come from unspecified sources; this is an honest proposal. And “Back to Work” rests on solid macroeconomic analysis, not the fantasy “expansionary austerity” economics — the claim that slashing spending in a depressed economy somehow promotes job growth rather than deepening the depression — that Mr. Ryan continues to espouse despite the doctrine’s total failure in Europe.
No, the only thing the progressive caucus and Mr. Ryan share is audacity. And it’s refreshing to see someone break with the usual Washington notion that political “courage” means proposing that we hurt the poor while sparing the rich. No doubt the caucus plan is too audacious to have any chance of becoming law; but the same can be said of the Ryan plan.
Have you seen any TV coverage of the CPC plan? Neither have I, but when the zombie-eyed granny starver releases something, they run it 24/7.