Jeff Sessions Indulges Hysterical Attacks On Elena Kagan During His Opening Arguments

[media id=17349] [H/t Heather] I'm not very excited about covering this Supreme Court nomination process, but I will point out Republican demago

Newsbusters, but this is about Sessions. Sending our troops to countries that didn't attack us and then watching the body counts rise on all sides of the conflicts doesn't faze Sessions. See, they could all be home or on some nice and cozy military base instead of dealing with the heat and the IED's of Iraq and Afghanistan, building democracy from the ground up, brick by brick, body by body, person by person. It's a task not all soldiers embrace wholeheartedly.

Think Progress also catches Sessions with a Harriet Miers crush:

On CNN’s American Morning, many of Sessions’ arguments were effectively demonstrated to be disingenuous by host John Roberts. Arguing that Kagan has “serious problems,” Sessions complained that Kagan has praised former Israeli Supreme Court President Aharon Barak. But Roberts noted that Justice Antonin Scalia had also praised Barak.

Sessions then attacked Kagan for not having a depth of experience, but Roberts noted that Sessions had praised Bush nominee Harriet Miers, who also did not have judicial experience. Roberts said, “Just a second ago, you pointed to Harriet Miers’ White House experience as a qualifying factor, but you point to Elena Kagan’s White House experience as a potential disqualifying factor.”

Harriet Miers was an awesome pick for Bush. Jeff Sessions said so. Doesn't that qualify him for much bigger things in conservative-land. In movement conservatism, dumbing down government agencies and the people that work there is paramount. With Sessions, they've found somebody who operates at the bottom level of the not good for government chart. Or rather, he's their kind of guy.

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