John Boehner And Paul Ryan Double Down On Destroying Medicare By Attacking AARP
USA NEXT smears AARP with anti-Gay ad Remember the above ad? As the American public turns its back on Paul Ryan's Medicare-killing budget, part of his similarly popular Roadmap to the Poorhouse, the GOP is doubling down by attacking the
Remember the above ad?
As the American public turns its back on Paul Ryan's Medicare-killing budget, part of his similarly popular Roadmap to the Poorhouse, the GOP is doubling down by attacking the AARP:
Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) political group went on the attack Monday against AARP, calling one of the most powerful lobbies a "left-leaning pressure group."
Ryan's Prosperity PAC sought to push back on attacks by AARP against the House Budget Committee chairman's 2012 budget, specifically its proposed changes to Medicare.
"Last week, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), a left-leaning pressure group with significant business interests in the insurance industry, launched a national ad campaign that intentionally misleads seniors about the Medicare debate," wrote Pat Shortridge, a senior adviser to Ryan's PAC, in an email to supporters.
Ryan's Medicare proposal has been a particular point of criticism by Democrats and groups on the left, which say that the Medicare plan would significantly revamp the entitlement program to the detriment of seniors. Democrats have homed in their attacks against that part of the Ryan budget, which has sparked some degree of heartburn among Republicans.
AARP launched ads last week warning against "harmful cuts" to Medicare and Social Security it said Republicans favored.
Fox News pushed a phony seniors' group led by Art Linkletter called USA Next in 2005 when they tried to privatize Social Security, and they too attacked AARP -- which failed miserably.
Now some people on the right want you to think of gay marriage and Sunni insurgency. The New York Times this morning reported that the lobbyists who brought you the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" have been contracted to promote the agenda of USA Next, a conservative lobbying group. To build support, USA Next is portraying AARP – which opposes the White House's pseudo-plan for privatizing Social Security – as some kind of liberal extremist group.
They even produced a smear ad attacking gay marriage to try and rile up some old folks against AARP.