Jon Stewart Busts Rudy Giuliani's Flip Flop On Terror Trials
For conservatives, it doesn't matter what you say yesterday because there is always today and tomorrow, as far as the media are concerned. Case in p
For conservatives, it doesn't matter what you say yesterday because there is always today and tomorrow, as far as the media are concerned. Case in point: I called out Rudy Giuliani's liars' take on the KSM trial that will take place in NY because in 2006 he praised the American justice system for prosecuting Moussaoui under George Bush. If a conservative does it, it's OK, but if a Dem does it -- it's treasonous.
Stewart found some footage of Rudy going on TV in 2006 praising the trial to all the cable networks. Then he sliced in Giuliani's many Sunday show spots attacking Obama for the KSM trial.
We're lucky to have Stewart. The funny hits a high point when Samantha Bee pointed out the Geraldo Rivera was the "voice of reason!" How apropos for FOX.