Jon Stewart Makes Bill O'Reilly Cry Uncle On Taxing The Rich And Government Regulations

Jon Stewart had on Papa Bear, Bill O'Reilly, Wednesday on The Daily Show to ask him if he would indeed quit his job if his taxes go up. Bill said it was all a big joke. Ha, ha! Of course it was. Billo knows his audience well and the faux

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Jon Stewart had on Papa Bear, Bill O'Reilly, Wednesday on The Daily Show to ask him if he would indeed quit his job if his taxes go up. Bill said it was all a big joke. Ha, ha! Of course it was. Billo knows his audience well and the faux outrage he uses to whip them up into a frenzy about taxes and government spending. But on this web-based portion of this interview, Jon made him admit that he's not against taxing the job creators more as long as government spending is cut. That's a complete repudiation (I know you thought I might delve into Palin-ese on that word) of the entire meme being pushed by the GOP's 2012 Presidential candidates, their surrogates and their congressional members. He also agreed that some government regulations of Wall Street are necessary because he doesn't like "those" people very much.

O'Reilly: I don't like these people. I think there should be rules and government watch dogs and set up rules where they can do this and can't do that.

Stewart: So you're a Democrat?

O'Reilly: On that I am.

Wow, did you know Bill is one of us? Funny how these words never make it into his own show. Stewart continues.

O'Reilly: I'll pay the higher tax bracket if they start to cut and watch the dough. That's fair.

Stewart: But isn't that the plan that was offered

O'Reilly tries to feign ignorance that President Obama actually offered up huge compromises to John Boehner on a massively unfair scale weighing towards CEO's in the debt-ceiling debate and instead tried to use the Solyndra nonsense to make his case about government waste, but Stewart stamped that out and his other discredited attacks of wasteful spending called Muffin-gate. Lawrence O'Donnell debunked O'Reilly's claims rather easily. So about those $16 muffins... Something that Bill's flunkie, Jesse Watters could have done in less time than it takes him to book his next sandbagging expedition.

Stewart is actually surprised that Bill was willing to chuck tea party principles out the door.

Stewart: So my point is for the record that you are saying you will go back to the Clinton era tax rate if you get some cuts in spending...

O'Reilly: Big cuts...

Stewart: So we've come to the conclusion that you're going to tell the knuckle heads over their where you are working to knock off the whole, job creators are being punished and why punish the successful, you're going to tell them to knock that off, it's ridiculous because they should pay their fair share, they had a great decade, had a great ride, now it's time for society, let's come together, shared sacrifice and get this done.

O'Reilly: Everybody has to sacrifice, I'll agree with that Everybody has to make some concessions.

Stewart: You're a good man then...

This is actually a shocking segment in so many ways because Bill O'Reilly shunned the conservative lies and the economy and couldn't stand behind the phony tax cutting-job creator myths that Boehner, Ryan, Cantor, McConnell and all their cohorts have been droning on about since Obama took office. O'Reilly can read the polls too.

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