Kirk Cameron Smears Gay Community: Homosexuality Is 'Unnatural,' 'Ultimately Destructive'

Kirk Cameron, the man who believes the banana legitimizes creationism continues his assault on the Gay community during a Piers Morgan interview on CNN: During a new interview with Piers Morgan the "Growing Pains" heartthrob who transitioned from a

the man who believes the banana legitimizes creationism continues his assault on the Gay community during a Piers Morgan interview on CNN:

During a new interview with Piers Morgan the "Growing Pains" heartthrob who transitioned from a "teen-idol-atheist in Hollywood and became a devoted follower of Jesus Christ in the middle of [his] career" explained that he believes homosexuality is "unnatural... I think that it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."

On the issue of marriage equality Cameron remarked, "Marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve -- one man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't."

When asked what he would do if one of his six kids told him, "Dad, bad news, I'm gay," Cameron responded, "I'd sit down and I'd have a heart to heart with them, just like you'd do with your kids."

Morgan shot back, "I'd say, 'That's great, son! As long as you're happy.' What would you say?"

Cameron offered, "I wouldn't say 'That's great, son, as long as you're happy.' There are all sorts of issues we need to wrestle through in our life... Just because you feel one way doesn't mean we should act on everything we feel."

What great advice by Kirk. Hey there, son. For all things in life just act on what I tell you and what I believe in, OK? Thank the stars that recent polling shows fighting against gay marriage is a big time loser. Kirk really plays nasty with a smile on his face.

This came out a couple of days ago, but since Super Tuesday is upon us I was wondering if any cracker jack reporter has asked Mitt Romney lately if he supported the amounts of his own money the Mormon Church spent in California alone, trying to defeat gay marriage? I think it's pretty relevant considering he gives so much money to the Mormon Church and he's always attacking what the government spends. I won't even get into their polygamist marriage history and how that ties into this debate.

(h/t Heather at Video Cafe for the video. Don't forget to check VC all day long for all their awesome videos.)

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