A Look Into The Mind Of The Villagers On Social Security

The Washington Post is capable of some great investigative reporting, but for the most part, its editorial view reflects that of the Beltway media elites. You've seen their hunger to destroy the working class by the constant use of their pet

The Washington Post is capable of some great investigative reporting, but for the most part, its editorial view reflects that of the Beltway media elites. You've seen their hunger to destroy the working class by the constant use of their pet phrase, "shared sacrifice,' and their love of economical austerity. You're not convinced? Their latest hit piece on Social Security calls it "cash negative". Not sure how that's possible with a $2.7 trillion in assets. Just read Dean Baker take these Villagers down.

Washington Post Discards All Journalistic Standards In Attack on Social Security.

News outlets generally like to claim a separation between their editorial pages and their news pages. The Washington Post has long ignored this distinction in pursuing its agenda for cutting Social Security, however it took a big step further in tearing this barrier in a business section story that would have been excluded from most opinion pages because of all the inaccuracies it contained...read on

And Duncan finds that they have an opening for a new ombudsman. Didn't one of their last executive editors declare that they needed to cover Glenn Beck and movement conservatives more closely because their reporting is so awesome? Yes, and he was backed up by an ombudsman too.

For a few weeks last fall, editors and ombudsmen at The Washington Post and New York Times seemed obsessed with the idea that they should be paying more attention to right-wing media and websites. In the wake of some wildly hyperbolic claims about ACORN, the nation's leading news outlets apologized for being too slow to run chasing after every "scandal" ginned up by Andrew Breitbart, Glenn Beck, and their ilk.

Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli worried "that we are not well-enough informed about conservative issues. It's particularly a problem in a town so dominated by Democrats and the Democratic point of view" -- a concern echoed by his deputies and Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander.

Alexander gives us a detailed account as to why the WaPo is so slow to cover conservative conspiracies issues.
Still not swayed? Just take a look at the amount of MSM coverage was given to the bogus conservative lie about the $16 muffin.

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