Louis Gohmert: Limiting Gun Magazines = Justifying Bestiality

Rep. Louis Gohmert equates limiting gun magazines to justifying bestiality. Gee, we never realized.

Right Wing Watch:

Earlier this year, Rick Scarborough of Vision America launched a new organization called Tea Party Unity, which seeks to become a "unique clearinghouse and town hall forum where various existing Tea Party leaders can communicate and exchange ideas to help all Tea Parties become more effective."Scarborough is a notoriously vociferous anti-gay activist, the sort who insists on referring to gay people as "sodomites" and proclaiming that AIDS is God's punishment ... so, of course, one of the first people to participate in a conference callpromoting Scarborough's new effort was none other than Rep. Louie Gohmert.

During the course of the call, Gohmert was asked about his opposition to any gun control legislation, which he explained by bizarrely linking the topic to gay marriage and bestiality:

In fact, I had this discussion with some wonderful, caring Democrats earlier this week on the issue of, well, they said "surely you could agree to limit the number of rounds in a magazine, couldn't you? How would that be problematic?"...

And I pointed out, well, once you make it ten, then why would you draw the line at ten? What's wrong with nine? Or eleven? And the problem is once you draw that limit ; it's kind of like marriage when you say it's not a man and a woman any more, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not somebody has a love for an animal? There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage and it's the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it's just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal.

Earlier in the discussion, Gohmert called on Christians to take a more active role in politics ... because otherwise their churches are going to be forced to hire cross-dressing Satan-worshipers.

Do you understand the logic that says if we limit the number of rounds a magazine can have then we'll be also legalizing bestiality, too? WTF? I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes his private life resembles something close to Lane Rees, the 61-year-old GOP committeeman for Walton County, Fla who's in a world of trouble.

I'm just saying. it wouldn't shock me one bit.

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