The RNC's Michael Steele Plays The Race Card Against The GOP

[media id=12374] Michael Steele is the gift that keeps on giving. When I ran into him during the DNC convention at an airport in Denver, he sounded l

Sarah Palin's nomination, but I didn't think he was this thick.

On ABC's GMA, Steele said that he was being singled out in GOP politics because he's black. He's calling Republicans racists. Wow, he's joining us except in a much deeper way because I've been calling many in the Tea Party movement racist. In his case....

He's indicting the whole Republican party:

The embattled chairman played the race card today when asked on "Good Morning America" if he has a slimmer margin of error because he is African American.

"The honest answer is, 'yes,'" he said. "Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. A lot of folks do. It's a different role for me to play and others to play and that's just the reality of it. But you take that as part of the nature of it."

"My view on politics is much more grassroots oriented, it's not old boy network oriented, so I tend to, you know, come at it a little bit stronger, a little bit more street-wise, if you will. That's rubbed some feathers the wrong way," Steele told "GMA's" George Stephanopoulos.

You can call Steele many things, but street-wise ain't it.

Robert Gibbs called his remarks silly and said this:

GOP Chairman Michael Steele shouldn’t blame criticism of his actions on race, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday. Gibbs called Steele’s remark that criticism of his leadership is motivated by race “silly” during a meeting with reporters. “I think Michael Steele’s problem isn’t the race card, it’s the credit card,” Gibbs added.

Oliver Willis says:

I love Steele trying to compare himself to President Obama, when in fact Steele isn’t even a grub on the other side of the President’s shoe. And then he plays the race card, while he’s the head of a party packed to the gills with racist detractors of the President. Such is the life of the black Republican: Nobody actually likes you.

Many people have said the only reason he still has his job because of all the embarrassing things that have hit the RNC since he took over is because he's black and the GOP doesn't want to look like racists if they fire him. It appears he's going to hold that over their heads.

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