Michele Bachmann Meets Her Hero Sheriff Joe Arpaio And Begs For Endorsement

There aren't too many people worse than Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He reminds me of the Dennis Hof from HBO's Cat House, doesn't he? He's a job creator. Michele Bachmann says Arpaio is one of her heroes. Michele Bachmann said she considers Sheriff

There aren't too many people worse than Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He reminds me of the Dennis Hof from HBO's Cat House, doesn't he? He's a job creator. Michele Bachmann says Arpaio is one of her heroes.

Michele Bachmann said she considers Sheriff Joe Arpaio "one of my heroes" in a brief news conference the Republican presidential candidate held before meeting with the 79-year-old sheriff on Wednesday afternoon.
Bachmann spent her time with the media - it lasted less than 4 minutes - highlighting her position on immigration and getting Arizonans to understand why she considers the state an important battleground in her efforts to secure the Republican nomination.

Bachmann said solving the "border issue" is something that can be done in phases, by first increasing security along the U.S. border with Mexico and then reducing programs, such as in-state tuition for undocumented students, that can entice immigrants to remain in the country without authorization.

"I want to solve the border issue," said Bachmann, a Minnesota congresswoman. "I want to build the fence that needs to be built."

Bachmann also said she wants Arpaio's support.

"He's a great guy - anyone would want his endorsement," she said.

He sure is great at locking up brown people and detaining them in pseudo internment camps. Poor Gov. Jan Brewer didn't even warrant a heads up from Michele.

Her visit came as a surprise to many in local Republican and conservative circles.

"NOT good form when a presidential candidate comes to Arizona and fails to notify the state party or Governor," Shane Wikfors of the conservative blog Sonoran Alliance said Tuesday night on Twitter. In a follow-up Twitter message, Wikfors expressed dissatisfaction with the Bachmann campaign "for blowing off conservative supporters in AZ tonight!"

He did support Mittens last time so I doubt he'll give her a thumbs up endorsement, but he might giver her a tour of his detention centers.

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