Michele Bachmann Squeals: "Our Economy May Be In The Same Situation As Zimbabwe Soon"

[media id=17377] Using racist code words is built into the psyche of all conservative pols so when Mrs. Crazy spouts off that the USA could become "Z

conspiracy theories have populated the Militia and Patriot movements for decades and have proven to be quite profitable actually for those that transmit these seriously unbalanced views.

Bachmann: Do we really want to tie our fortunes to Venezuela or Zimbabwe?

Ingraham: We're tied to China.

Bachmann: That's right, we are because they've been buying our debt.

Ingraham: We are in a global economy.

Bachmann: Of course, of course, but we don't want to become MORE dependent. That's really the point.

She could have said Greece or Iceland or Spain, but no...it's Zimbabwe. You get the imagery.

Matt Yglesias writes:

The reassuring thing about a lot of the nonsense you hear from the right is to think to yourself “well, these guys are liars.” Other times you see something like this transcript of Rep Michele Bachmann talking to radio host Scott Hennen and you come face to face with the realization that some key figures in the movement are dumber than Jonah Goldberg.

Bachmann: Well, President Obama is trying to bind the United States into a global economy where all of our nations come together in a global economy. I don’t want the United States to be in a global economy where, where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe.

Of course the existence of a global economy in which events outside our borders impact us is not something Barack Obama dreamed up, and the idea that having world leaders gather for occasional meetings constitutes a “one world government” is insane. Is her idea that the President should never meet with anyone? Does that undermine our sovereignty?

Gawker writes:

A few thoughts:

  • Zimbabwe isn't in the G20. It would take about G200 before Zimbabwe gets an invite.
  • The entire post-Cold War economic landscape has been one of a "global economy."
  • Everything else she said is stupid.
  • That's all.

The MNProgerssive Project: Michele Bachmann's latest conspiracy theory: G20 Summit is to talk about a one world government

Blue America's Tarryl Clark is a great choice to take Michele on so please support her if you can. If you live in the district I'm sure they are looking for help. It won't be easy, but at least we have a good candidate in Bachmann-land.

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