Michelle Bachmann Denies Saying She Wanted The Media To Investigate Members Of Congress Who Might Be Anti-American

[media id=6818] (h/t Heather) Michelle Bachmann is a pretty wild person as we've seen, but after spewing venom at Barack Obama for a few minutes with

(h/t Heather)

Michelle Bachmann is a pretty wild person as we've seen, but after spewing venom at Barack Obama for a few minutes with Hannidate, she then lied to Alan Colmes and denied saying this on Hardball:

Bachmann: I would say, what I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look -- I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America? I think the people would love to see an expose like that.

She's come up with a new one folks. She said that she never made those statements and they have now become an "urban legend." Is she living in a B type Horror/Slasher film world or what? Here's what she told Alan Colmes Tuesday night.

Colmes: You said you were concerned during the campaign that Obama had anti American views and you said the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look at the people and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America

Bachmann: Actually that's not what I said. It's an urban legend that was created and that's not what I said.

Colmes: I have the tape at my website Alan.com

Bachmann: What I called on Alan was for the main stream media to do their job. They failed to vet Barack Obama the way they had John McCain. That's what I was called for.

Colmes: I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America. Do you really want...

Bachmann: What I said was that I'm not qualified to say whether members views are pro or anti American. That's not my job to do.

She really is out there. Obama was subjected to a level of scrutiny McCain never faced since he was in a heated primary battle that went on for months after McCain won his nomination. She really should apologize to Obama, but what the heck.

Here's the video of what she actually said.

Joe McCarthy would be proud. I think I can safely say that Michelle Bachmann has become an actual political "Urban Legend." There really aren't too many like her.

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