Michele Bachmann Supports Ryan's Budget Plan, But Shows Her Concerns For Seniors By Adding An 'Asterisk' To Her Vote

Michele Bachmann joined Chris Wallace on FNS to discuss many things, including her support of drastically cutting Medicare and Medicaid to seniors. She voted for Paul Ryan's junk science budget which turns Medicare into a voucher system and she

Michele Bachmann joined Chris Wallace on FNS to discuss many things, including her support of drastically cutting Medicare and Medicaid to seniors. She voted for Paul Ryan's junk science budget which turns Medicare into a voucher system and she also supports a much worse version of it that was released by a Republican study committee, but then tried to worm her way out of her positions by saying that she is worried seniors will have to pay more for their health care. I guess she does look at polls from time to time.
But how does she show her concern? By putting an asterisk next to seniors. WTF?

WALLACE: What do you tell people nearing retirement who say 'I can’t afford to pay more of my own healthcare costs out of pocket?' Which is what the Ryan and Republican Study Committee plans would do.

BACHMANN: And I understand that. I put an asterisk on my support, I put a blog posting up that said just as much. That is my area of concern, I support this bill with that proviso. … One position that I’m concerned about shifting the cost burden to senior citizens. Seniors are saying, look, I’m not in a position to be able to handle that. I also share that real fear, that’s why I put that asterisks out there. [...]

WALLACE: So you’re not wedded to the idea of a voucher program for Medicare?

BACHMANN: I’m wedded to the idea of efficiencies and cost cuttings and savings in healthcare, but how we get there is open to discussion.

Did you know that asterisks fix everything? Cris Wallace should have said that asterisks are imaginary and votes are real. Does Bachmann believe in unicorns too?

Conservatives aren't serious when it comes to helping Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security so why do they occupy so much air time on my TV? They can always lie on the tube when their positions have clearly been stated. Remember when she said Americans needed to be weaned off these programs?

On Thursday, in an op-ed on Red State, Bachmann wrote that while she supports most of the GOP budget, “I’ve expressed caution about how we approach the issue of Medicare.” Considering that Bachmann has previously said we must “wean everybody” off Medicare and Social Security, her new hesitancy to do so belies the extremely unpopular nature of the GOP plan.

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