Michelle Bachmann: "We're Running Out Of Rich People In This Country"

Make her stop. It hurts. "We're running out of rich people in this country." There's more. She also appears to be making stuff up about ACORN. B

Make her stop. It hurts.

"We're running out of rich people in this country."

There's more. She also appears to be making stuff up about ACORN.

Bachmann: I mean, if you think, ACORN - this is a group that's under Federal indictment...

Baker: Unbelievable

Bachmann: ...for voter fraud. ACORN - they've received a total of $53 million in direct Federal Grants since 1994. Do you know how much they're getting under this (the stimulus) bill?

Baker: Like $4 billion, I've heard.

Bachmann: $5 Billion.

Baker? $5 billion?

Bachmann: For ACORN.

Steve Benen was able to listen to more of it than the 52 seconds I posted and says:

There's no point in trying to fact-check such unhinged stupidity, but I should note that none of this is in anyway grounded in reality. I should also note that we're not talking about some strange nut screaming on a street corner; this is all coming from an elected member of Congress.

At one point, Bachmann told the host, "We are literally losing our country."

Congresswoman, you've literally lost something, but I don't think it's your country.

Minnesota, when will you wake up already? I live in California and have to deal with Teflon Arnuld, but she's just as humiliating.

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