Mike Huckabee Morphs Into Dan Quayle And Then Tries To Downplay His Critiques Of Natalie Portman

Mike Huckabee smiles like a nice guy and looks like a nice guy, but when it comes to his views on being a single mother, he's not such a nice guy. You've probably heard about his remarks concerning Natalie Portman having a baby, but Heavens to

Natalie Portman having a baby, but Heavens to Betsy, she's not married...

During her speech, Portman thanked "Black Swan" co-star turned fiance Benjamin Millepied for "the most wonderful gift," -- their baby, due later this year. Huckabee took issue with that statement, and the entire premise of her pregnancy, in an interview with conservative radio host Michael Medved on Monday.

After a set up from Medved saying that most wonderful gift should have been "a wedding ring," Huckabee slammed the star actress -- and then all single mothers.

You know Michael, one of the things that's troubling is that people see a Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, 'Hey look, you know, we're having children, we're not married, but we're having these children, and they're doing just fine.' But there aren't really a lot of single moms out there who are making millions of dollars every year for being in a movie. And I think it gives a distorted image that yes, not everybody hires nannies, and caretakers, and nurses. Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that's the story that we're not seeing, and it's unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock.

You know, right now, 75 percent of black kids in this country are born out of wedlock. 61 percent of Hispanic kids -- across the board, 41 percent of all live births in America are out of wedlock births. And the cost of that is simply staggering.

He failed to mention that Natalie has a fiance, but forget the facts, Huckabee needed a platform to become the new Dan Quayle and trot out his insipid Murphy Brown argument all over again so he could attacks single mothers everywhere. That didn't work out too well for Qualye, who was being groomed by Bill Kristol to become a "Ken Doll" matinee idol for Conservatives.

Huckabee released a statement that was pretty much the same thing he said on Huckabee's weekend FOX show.

Natalie is an extraordinary actor, very deserving of her recent Oscar and I am glad she will marry her baby's father," Huckabee said. "My comments were about the statistical reality that most single moms are very poor, under-educated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death. That's the story that we're not seeing, and it's unfortunate that society often glorifies and glamorizes the idea of having children out of wedlock."

So after being called out on it, he tried to downplay what he said, heaped lavish praise all over Natalie, but said he was only talking about the problems single mothers face. Back to reality, how does Portman's acceptance speech glorify and glamorize having children out of wedlock? It's ludicrous and anyone that could draw that analogy is seriously delusional.

The assault on women continues with great fury by conservatives since the Tea Party got popular, and it's a f**ked up thing to be doing."The family," which Huckabee says is the true form of government, is being tarnished because of Natalie Portman? In other words, he took the cowardly way out. He must have been truly offended by Portman being pregnant and not married so he should have backed up what he said. We all make mistakes, but being as public a figure as he is, this was calculated. He apologized for his "Obama is from Kenya" crap earlier last week:

On Monday, the ex-governor mistakenly suggested in an interview that President Obama had grown up in Kenya. Huckabee later insisted he had simply misspoke, saying Kenya when he had meant Indonesia, and he slammed the media for the "sensationalized" way reporters covered his remarks.

Notice the victim-apology. In the end, he's really the victim because the media reported what he said which is a typical ploy. David Neiwert busted him on that twisted crap too last week.

Huckabee just digs that hole in Kenya deeper. Why not just admit he got his misinformation from Fox?

Of course, it didn't exactly help his cause that he blatantly lied on O'Reilly's show, claiming he had described Obama's Indonesian childhood in his book -- which has no mention of it at all! Why are these supposed Christian Conservatives so frakkin' nasty? Why do they need all these lies to make their arguments?

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