Mitt Romney At CPAC: Defends Bush, Lies By Saying Obama Had A Filibuster Proof Senate And Al Gore Invented The Internet.

Is it just being at CPAC or speaking that brings out the lies? Mitt Romney opened up by making the most ludicrous statement I've heard in a long tim

Is it just being at CPAC or speaking that brings out the lies? Mitt Romney opened up by making the most ludicrous statement I've heard in a long time. Am I missing something or were there ever 60 Democratic Senators in the 2009 Congress? Joe Lieberman is an Independent and he campaigned for John McCain, who wanted him for his VP, so what was Romney talking about?

Romney: The new president himself promised a change of biblical proportion. And of course given the filibuster-proof Senate he got and the lopsided House vote...

And then he also lied about Al Gore.

Romney: President Obama's self-proclaimed B+ will go down in history as the biggest exaggeration since Al Gore's invention of the Internet.

That has been thoroughly debunked, but facts, who stinkin' needs them?

And then he brought the love back for George Bush, the master of our disaster.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) became the first speaker at CPAC to utter the words "President Bush" on Thursday when he offered a forceful defense of the previous administration.

Speaking to throngs of conservative onlookers, the likely 2012 presidential candidate accused the Obama White House of using its predecessor as a crutch and scapegoat. More to the point, he declared that the Bush record wasn't all that bad compared to the current president's.

"When it comes to shifting responsibility for failure, however, no one is a more frequent object of President Obama's reproach than President Bush," said Romney. "It's wearing so thin that even the late night shows make fun of it. I am convinced that history will judge President Bush far more kindly -- he pulled us from a deepening recession following the attack of 9-11, he overcame teachers unions to test school children and evaluate schools, he took down the Taliban, waged a war against the jihadists and was not afraid to call it what it is -- a war. And he kept us safe."

The crowd was quite pleased with the Bush defense and even more so when Romney praised former vice president Dick Cheney.

Conservative love for Dick Cheney borders on the insane, but what can you expect? Anyway, Romney is doing his best to preserve his 2012 presidential nomination. I guess he feels telling lies goes a long way to ensure it. It's a rite of passage for conservatives.

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