Mitt Romney's Gaffe On His Own Mandates Makes Him The Real Loser Of The CNBC Debate

If you watched the CNBC GOP debate probably what you'll hear and read from the MSM is that Rick Perry was the big loser because he looked dazed and confused again on stage with his presidential or VP chances going up in smoke as he blanked out

MA residents are different than the rest of America is a joke. And he won't have an audience that boos the moderators because they want to ignore sexual harassment's, flip flops, multiple wives, changed religions and cheer on electrocutions for inmates and people dying without health care and boo gay soldiers after serving in war.

Recap: Newt Gingrich continued to play the referee bashing the media and moderators over questions he doesn't feel live up to his quality of intelligence. Bachmann rambled on with prepackaged answers that nobody knows the meaning of. Santorum was there to cling on for some speaking gigs from the Family Values circuit. Ron Paul played the crazy uncle dying to talk about gold and the Fed and John Huntsman remained the only candidate that had a few lucid things to say. In other words, he never had a chance. Oh, and China sucks...

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