Newt Gingrich, The Spiritual Leader Of The GOP Is Exposed As A Fraud By His Second Wife, Marianne
[media id=12858] (In the above video, Newt calls Obama a Nazi-Commie "threat to our way of life." But Esquire's new profile destroys him as a spokesm
Newt Gingrich, like many movement Conservative figures of the last twenty years, is very skilled at debating for his beliefs. He is a black belt wordsmith of the tenth degree and has received the coveted "H2O" lapel pin from the Aqua Buddha himself. We see him on FOX News and every other news program pontificating his conservative values incessantly and to the untrained eye or casual passerby, he could appear intelligent and smart. However, we know the truth. He's a typical right wing windbag that uses those same words to lie his way to the top of the conservative food chain. Don't take my word for it, how about someone who knows him a little more intimately--like his second wife Marianne Gingrich? Marianne has the details:
But there was something strange and needy about him. "He was impressed easily by position, status, money," she says. "He grew up poor and always wanted to be somebody, to make a difference, to prove himself, you know. He has to be historic to justify his life."
His actions are all a lie--meaningless except for the great payoff from rich GOP supporters.
"There's somebody else, isn't there?"
She kind of guessed it, of course. Women usually do. But did she know the woman was in her apartment, eating off her plates, sleeping in her bed?
She called a minister they both trusted. He came over to the house the next day and worked with them the whole weekend, but Gingrich just kept saying she was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. "'I can't handle a Jaguar right now.' He said that many times. 'All I want is a Chevrolet.'"
He asked her to just tolerate the affair, an offer she refused.
He'd just returned from Erie, Pennsylvania, where he'd given a speech full of high sentiments about compassion and family values.
The next night, they sat talking out on their back patio in Georgia. She said, "How do you give that speech and do what you're doing?"
"It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live."
Wow. This says it all. People like Newt believe they are above it all.
How can Americans trust this man's word on any moral or policy issue? He doesn't believe he has to live by his words, but you do! Even though he has no idea or doesn't trouble himself to care how those words would hurt working class families, he's very happy doing just the opposite.
I know there's a psychological disorder somewhere in the DSM-IV that fits that one. We all knew that he served his first wife divorce papers in her hospital bed, but not these intimate details. And the one thing that this piece does tell us is that he doesn't live by the words his sermonizes to us about, nor does he believe he should. Anyway, he is a one creepy MFer.
She says she should have seen the red flags. "He asked me to marry him way too early. And he wasn't divorced yet. I should have known there was a problem."
Within weeks or months?
"Within weeks."
That's flattering.
She looks skeptical. "It's not so much a compliment to me. It tells you a little bit about him."
And he did the same thing to her eighteen years later, with Callista Bisek, the young congressional aide who became his third wife. "I know. I asked him. He'd already asked her to marry him before he asked me for a divorce. Before he even asked."
He told you that?
"Yeah, he wanted to — "
Man, is he the marrying kind or what? There is so much in this article that I could write post after post after post and never stop and I'd still be on the second page. I think we should ask Tucker Carlson how he feels about Newt now since he dubbed him the "soul" of the modern conservative movement.
Tucker Carlson anoints Newt Gingrich as 'soul of the GOP'; Fox's MacCallum compares him to Reagan
Carlson: Yeah, this is about who's going to lead the Republican Party, not simply who's going to be the chosen presidential candidate in '12. But who's gonna be the soul of the party?
And there are a bunch of different elements here. I think Sarah Palin's presence, as always, brings a lot of excitement, also a lot of drama. And so a lot of stories going into this were about whether she will arrive in the first place, or whether she'll show up, whether she'll talk. Probably not a good storyline for the GOP.
Newt Gingrich, looks to me, is emerging as, certainly the intellectual center of the Republican Party -- the smartest, most energetic guy, and I think last night, kind of, is -- part of the process is solidifying that. Newt Gingrich is, I believe, running for president, and he's certainly the guy people are looking to for ideas in the Republican Party.
Newt Gingrich for President in 2012. Why tell the truth when you can Lie to the Top?