NJ Voters By A 2-1 Margin Say Gov. Chris Christie Should Not Run For President In 2012

The Republican Governor of New Jersey and resident conservative heavyweight champion of bullying got knocked down for the count when a new poll by Survey USA News in New Jersey told him to stay out of the 2012 Presidential election. By 5:1, NJ

conservative heavyweight champion of bullying got knocked down for the count when a new poll by Survey USA News in New Jersey told him to stay out of the 2012 Presidential election.

By 5:1, NJ Voters Say Governor Christie Should Not Run for President in 2012:

New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, beloved by some and despised by others for his bluntness, has a Minus 18 job approval today as speculation continues about whether Christie should run for President. 38% of NJ adults approve of the job Christie is doing, 56% disapprove.

You can imagine how bad Christie's polling numbers are by households that have teachers and union members in them, but check out the data coming from Republicans in the state:

Republicans and Conservatives have mixed feelings about whether Christie should stay focused on the Garden State or allow himself to be talked into putting both feet onto the national stage.

* Among Republicans, Christie's job approval is Plus 29. But: by 2:1, Republicans say Christie should not run for President.

* Conservatives by 2:1 and Republicans by 3:2 say Christie is qualified to be President.

* Conservatives and Republicans by 3:1 say Christie would make a better President than Obama.

* Even among the state's comparatively few Tea Party members, where Christie's approval is Plus 49, there is division: 38% say Christie should run for the White House, 39% say he should not.

* Among Independents, Obama's job approval is Plus 7, Christie's is Minus 11.

* Among Moderates, Obama's job approval is Plus 28, Christie is Minus 23.

* Among lower-income voters, Christie is Minus 32. Among upper income voters Christie is Minus 5.

This is the man that the conservative movement is trying to build into a national powerhouse, but he can't even get good "poll" from his own state. (h/t Atrios)

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