Obama Has Dinner With George Will And The 'Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.'

I'm working on a new blues tune. It's called "I've Got the Bi-Partisan Blues." I know all about the keep your enemies close bit from the Godfather, bu

I'm working on a new blues tune. It's called "I've Got the Bi-Partisan Blues." I know all about the keep your enemies close bit from the Godfather, but how does this actually help Obama?

The president-elect tonight is having dinner with some ideological adversaries: four of the most widely-read conservative columnists.

I remember when we were up in arms because George Bush invited the right wing radio buffoons at his place once again.

For the second year in a row, President Bush called some of his closest radio friends to the White House for an off-the-record briefing and discussion.

Mark Levin and Sean Hannity of WABC (770 AM) were among the 10 conservative talk-radio hosts who met with Bush in the West Wing yesterday, according to Talkers magazine. The others were Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, Hugh Hewitt, Scott Hennen, Bill Bennett, Michael Medved, Lars Larsen and Janet Parshall.

Bush met with five hosts last fall, including Boortz, Hannity and Medved, Talkers noted, "to discuss issues and gauge the conservative talk-radio audience's feelings about issues and policies." None of the hosts told their audiences about the meeting prior to its occurrence.

I'm not sure what Obama's end game is with this move. Is he expecting them to give him a break during his first year in office? At least that made sense for Bush. They were being rewarded for spreading conservative propaganda throughout the land and they did it well, reaching millions of listeners a week. And make no mistake about it. These talk show hosts embody conservative philosophy entirely. They are not mere comics, clowns and wingnuts. They are the true face of the Republican party. I wonder why they haven't had to explain themselves to their listeners since they sold them down the river along with Bush, Cheney and his merry band of Neocons.

I will always remind the media of this fact. Too often the conservative party is not held accountable for the association they have with right wing radio. So here's a news flash: They are one and the same.

UPDATE I am organizing a request for a meeting with Obama and left wing bloggers that supported his effort and were on the front lines during the general election---beating back all that nasty conservative misinformation. It's all in the name of bi-partisanship after all.

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