Obama's SOTU: Quick Thoughts

President Obama gave a very forceful SOTU tonight. He was very engaging throughout and brought his oratory skills to the table as he did during the el

President Obama gave a very forceful SOTU tonight. He was very engaging throughout and brought his oratory skills to the table as he did during the election. I wish he was much more partisan though. He hemmed the republicans in on not supporting the bank fees to pay back the bailouts. He blasted the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court and asked Congress to create some legislation to overturn it. Obama finally threw some blame for the sorry state of this country at the feet of George Bush and conservatism. Cutting taxes and starting wars doesn't lead us to economic prosperity.

The camera caught McCain mouthing "blame it on Bush."

He called for Congress to get HCR finished. Really, he was calling the Democrats in Congress cowards and to get on with it. Axelrod is responsible for the tactics they've used from the outset which has resulted in this debacle, but I've been hearing HCR is not dead just yet.

I can't stand when he mentions Ronald Reagan in a positive fashion and he did that again tonight. When will he realize that conservatives will never support him and to suck up to the Gipper is a mistake?

As Chris Hayes tweeted: There are not enough villains in this speech.

We all know who they are and he should name a few. Tightening the government's belt is a horrible idea. He wants us to export more goods, but we have to actually make goods to export. He attacked the 60 vote obstructionism that's been taking place in the Senate.

Seeing Lieberman and Nelson sitting together was disturbing. Josh Marshall called them the "axis of weasels".

He brought back DADT and at the same time tried to bring back the idea of bipartisanship. Major Garrett had a soft porn problem.

Republicans sitting on their hands for Obama calling for the banks to pay back bailout funds!

Chris Matthews said that he forgot President Obama was black tonight. Good to know...

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