Pat Robertson Says President Obama Is Inciting 'Black-On-White Violence'

Pat Robertson Says President Obama is Inciting 'Black-On-White Violence'

Right Wing Watch:

Pat Robertson today, while discussing the shooting of an Australian baseball player in Oklahoma by three teenagers, two of them black and one white, accused President Obama of inciting anti-white violence. The 700 Club host said,

“We are having a tremendous amount of this black-on-white violence and I have a feeling that instead of bringing racial harmony, having an African-American president has exacerbated the problem.”

“He seems to be wanting to bring division among people instead of bringing them together; he is one of the most divisive leaders this country has ever had,” Robertson continued. “It just seems he wants to rub the edges raw every chance he gets.” Robertson argued that Obama is trying to divide people by race and class: “There’s always something there to stir up controversy.”

The Chris Lane murder was a terrible tragedy, but it wasn't a race based crime so WTF are these freaks talking about? I understand that conservatives are the minority party now and all they want to do is trash Obama, but by making up incendiary garbage relating to race, they are only throwing fuel and matches onto the hate-fire that they've already created. From the get-go, the conservative media and Allen West have been spreading lies about the Lane shooting just to try and offset the publicity of the George Zimmerman shooting and it's disgusting.

The only division among Americans Obama has brought out are the wingnut fringe that Fox and the wingnut media used to start the tea party. Their populist movement is one of racism, hate, conspiracy theories and a disgust of the American system of government that they pretend to care about. And Pat Robertson just gave you a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

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