Now On PBS: Religious Voter: I Can't Imagine A President Being Named Obama

And Tracy Kerlee is supposed to be a Christian. Tracy: I can't imagine a President of the United States being named President Obama. I really have

And Tracy Kerlee is supposed to be a Christian.

Tracy: I can't imagine a President of the United States being named President Obama. I really have a problem with that and I'm not the only one.

Q: Because that means what to you?

Tracy: His background. A mother that was atheist. Huh, that really gets to me. A father that was a Muslim. That should get to everyone.

The term values is so misused. Tracy, and she has every right to feel the way she does, should not be represented as being a values voter in my opinion. I'd call it something else. Being an atheist is a value just as much as an evangelical or what ever religion you practice.

(h/t Wayne. Info from Youtube link)

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