The Pointless Uproar Over The "Fox Mole"

Howard Kurtz knows what side his bread is buttered on. He knows which pundits are idiots, who are compromised, and he's having cocktails with them all. So it's no surprise that Howie has his smelling salts out over Joe Muto, the so-called

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Howard Kurtz knows what side his bread is buttered on.

He knows which pundits are idiots, who are compromised, and he's having cocktails with them all. So it's no surprise that Howie has his smelling salts out over Joe Muto, the so-called "Fox Mole". Because Joe Muto broke the code of Omerta and revealed that the Fox News Channel plays to the lizard brains of its viewers.

Was that a surprise to any of us? How many studies have to come out that say that Fox News Viewers are the least informed news consumers in the US? Give me something I didn't know.

Really, what Muto revealed so far as the Fox Mole on Gawker is no big deal. Bill O'Reilly on a vacation where women are topless? Go to any beach in Europe and you're going to see topless women. Sean Hannity doesn't think teleprompters are that bad? Did anyone not know that was a manufactured insult?

So far, I haven't been all that impressed with the revelations of Joe Muto. Frankly, I think he could have been a little smarter. He was picked off within 24 hours because he didn't even think to disguise the digital trail pointing to his office computer when he downloaded the "scandalous" videos. If you're going to be that careless, give us a blockbuster, man.

But Howie Kurtz sees it as an incredible betrayal to the nice people that gave Joe Muto a paycheck. There's no ethics or higher calling for Kurtz, no sense of fairness and balance. He simply can't understand someone wanting to escape the hypocrisy.

And he's the guy reporting on the reporters. What does that tell you?

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