Rep. John Boehner And Eric Cantor Support Syrian Strike

Rep. John Boehner and Eric Cantor are now on board to Support Obama's call for a Strike on Syria.

are lining up in support of a Syrian strike:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Tuesday announced he would support strikes against Syria in response to the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons earlier this month, urging a substantial number of his skeptical Republican colleagues to follow suit.

"I appreciate the president reaching out to me and my colleagues in the Congress over the last couple of weeks. I also appreciate the president asking the Congress to support him in this action," Boehner told reporters after a meeting with the president and other congressional leaders at the White House.

"This is something that the United States as a country needs to do," he added. "I'm going to support the president's call for action. I believe my colleagues should support this call for action. We have enemies around the world that need to understand that we're not going to tolerate this type of behavior. We also have allies around the world and allies in the region who also need to know that America will be there and stand up whether it is necessary."

Boehner's no. 2, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), issued a statement immediatelly after the Speaker declaring he would also "vote to provide the President of the United States the option to use military force in Syria."

The NY Times has an article saying that there's dissent in the GOP over Syria, but the dissent is being led by Senator Rand Paul and not many else.

A top aide to Mr. Paul said Sunday that the senator would mount a lobbying campaign in the House, where senior leaders like Mike Rogers, Republican of Michigan, who is the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, will face off against a new vanguard of members like Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, who are opposed to what they see as risky foreign entanglements.

There's a block of Republicans who are fighting the Libertarian wing of the GOP led by Christie:

Two potential Republican presidential candidates in 2016, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, both expressed concern at a governors’ forum in July about the rising strength of national security libertarianism among Republicans, but they have so far kept quiet about Syria.

For all wishy-washy Democrats that kinda like Christie, please wake up. This man is a conservative hawk through and through and cannot b e trusted. It was a good idea for Obama to ask for authorization on a strike on Syria even though I disagree with it. Many Republicans just whine and complain about Obama and his policies, but never take action except to obstruct. Now they will be forced to make a public vote and a vote they can't hide from.

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