Rep. Tim Ryan's Passionate Speech Against Ohio's SB-5

Tim Ryan gave a great speech on the floor of the House in support of teachers and against Ohio's draconian SB-5,which will strip public workers of collective bargaining. Labor rallies against SB5: MARIETTA - Thousands of union members and

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Tim Ryan gave a great speech on the floor of the House in support of teachers and against Ohio's draconian SB-5,which will strip public workers of collective bargaining.

Labor rallies against SB5:

MARIETTA - Thousands of union members and labor supporters covered the west lawn and broad steps of the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus Tuesday, roaring in unison phrases like "This is what democracy looks like" and "Kill the bill."

One man in a red T-shirt bearing the words, "No to SB5," weaved through the crowd with a bullhorn, shouting, "Wake up! We need to misbehave."

The throngs came to the capital city in fleets of buses, vans and private vehicles to protest Senate Bill 5, a piece of legislation that would limit collective bargaining for state employees, as well as for teachers and municipal workers, including police and firefighters.

"We strongly feel SB5 will affect our collective bargaining as our contract comes up for negotiations at the end of this year; we just don't know how right now," said Shane Cochran, a City of Marietta employee and members of Teamsters Local 637.

"This bill is definitely a major concern for us, but I feel better seeing so much support from other unions across the state here today," he said.

Ohio is doing to its workers what Walker is trying to do in WI. Can we let that stand?

Thousands Protest Outside SB5 Hearing

Union members and state workers boarded five buses in Cincinnati on Tuesday morning to add their weight to the protests."We've gone three or four years without a raise, a lot of us. We took 10 cost-saving days, we're willing to sacrifice; we just don't know where they want us to sacrifice. We'd like to know," union worker Michael Tighe said."Kill the bill!" chants echoed across McMicken Commons at the University of Cincinnati on Monday as students and professors stood in the rain to demonstrate against SB5.

Have you noticed how perfectly crafted most of the protest signs are in these protests? Maybe it's because teachers are making them up?

And let's not forget that Governor John Kasich was a Fox News regular. He used to sub for Bill O'Reilly all the time. It's getting to be that most of their pundit staff is running for office or has already run. (h/t C&Ler Dan)

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