"Republican Coronation Day"
As I've been watching cable TV during the holidays and now into the first week of January, I learned something that I kind of missed this past November. It appears that the Republicans have taken over the White House and the Senate along with
As I've been watching cable TV during the holidays and now into the first week of January, I learned something that I kind of missed this past November. It appears that the Republicans have taken over the White House and the Senate along with the House. Did you know that?
The media, at least, are trumpeting January 5th as being just as big as Obama's Inauguration day because that's the day Republicans will be sworn in to take control of the House. You don't believe me? Check out Andrea Mitchell's interview with a car salesman named Mike Kelly from Philly. He got elected not because he's a terrific candidate, but because he wasn't her.
"There's a lot we don't know about this guy," said G. Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. "The voters don't have a clear sense about who he is. It was more of a reaction about her."
And he told Andrea that he's offended the US government would want to raise the debt ceiling.Can you image a thing like that? And to him all we needed was a little fiscal restraint and the USofA would be in fine shape economically.
Kelly: Should we increase the debt ceiling, really? Should we go beyond 14.3 trillion? I mean, the human mind shuts down. We can't begin to comprehend what a trillion dollars is so 14.3 trillion, yea, why not!
President Obama had better call them out on the debt ceiling. Let these fools take down the government. Hey, the guy can't comprehend what a trillion dollars is. I'd say he's qualified to be in Washington as a Republican for sure.
Earlier on the show another nutjob Republican said this to Mitchell, via Digby:
I keep listening to tea party congressmen on MSNBC right now defending cut-go and this keeps coming up whenever Mitchell asks why they refuse to pay for tax cuts if they are so concerned about the deficit. I discussed it before and it's really catching on now:
"We don't think tax cuts are something that we have to be "pay for" because it's the people's money to begin with, not the government's." Greg Walden (R) Lunatic
Get that? My GOD, it hurts. Make it stop.
And lookie here. Guess who swore in Boehner's staff? Good old, John Roberts, that's who.
ABC's Ariane de Vogue reports:
Behind closed doors Chief Justice John Roberts swore in members of speaker designate John A. Boehner’s staff this morning during a private ceremony.
The Constitution requires all federal employees to take an oath to support the Constitution, but it’s not every day the oath is administered by the Chief Justice of the United States. Boehner invited Roberts to appear, and the speaker designee’s spokesman believes it could be the first time staff was sworn in by a Chief Justice.
The world has gone mad, I tell you, and since Republicans have taken over one branch of the government, they are totally da bomb. The Villagers are just thrilled that it's Republican Coronation Day. Do you think they'll make it into a national holiday?