Rick Warren Is The New Jerry Falwell: 'The Bible Says That God Puts Government On Earth To Punish Evildoers.'

[media id=6897] (h/t Heather) Rick Warren tries to paint himself as a moderate evangelical, but after watching his performance on Hannity and Colmes

(h/t Heather)

Rick Warren tries to paint himself as a moderate evangelical, but after watching his performance on Hannity and Colmes I can safely say that's he's filling the void left by Jerry Falwell.

Steve Benen:

Last night, on Fox News, Sean Hannity insisted that United States needs to "take out" Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Warren said he agreed. Hannity asked, "Am I advocating something dark, evil or something righteous?" Warren responded, "Well, actually, the Bible says that evil cannot be negotiated with. It has to just be stopped.... In fact, that is the legitimate role of government. The Bible says that God puts government on earth to punish evildoers. Not good-doers. Evildoers."

That's pretty sick stuff for a "man of God." I have no problem with religion since I grew up as a Catholic and a lot of people derive comfort from it, but watching fools like Warren on TV promote attacking another country is just too much. And I agree with Matt Duss also:

Does Warren really consider it part of his ministry to sanctify the inch-deep theologizing-cum-warmongering of thugs like Sean Hannity? If so, who else does Warren think Jesus would bomb?


I'm pretty sure that Warren uses the word "repent" when he's headlining at his mega-church so I hope he takes the time to reflect on it and practice it.

And here's what Falwell said about George Bush on January 8, 2004:

FALWELL: I think, in his next four years in office, he is going to -- well, look at what's happening to the economy now. Look what's happening to America, what she thinks of herself today. It's so great that we have George Bush sitting there and not Al Gore.

Yes, it was so great to have George Bush and conservatism destroy this great nation, Jerry. And how can we forget this incredible warmongering tirade from another "Man of God."

Falwell: If it takes ten years, blow them all away in the name of the lord.

Jackson. That does not sound biblical to me.

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