Right-Wing Viciously Attacks FLOTUS For Shopping At 'Target'

The amount of vitriol being spewed at Michelle Obama from the right-wing paparazzi is really getting gross now. The beltway media remains mum about these vicious smears by the wingnutopia and its appalling. Evey step she makes there's always a

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The amount of vitriol being spewed at Michelle Obama from the right-wing paparazzi is really getting gross now. The beltway media remains mum about these vicious smears by the wingnutopia and its appalling. Evey step she makes there's always a John Birch conspiracy theory attached to it by these jackasses. TMZ better move over because did you know the First Lady is really Lady Gaga?

Right-wing media have attacked Michelle Obama for going shopping at Target, claiming she went " 'incognito,' Lady Gaga-style" and asking, "Who does she think she's fooling?" Right-wing media have previously attacked the first lady for everything from promoting health initiatives to wearing a red dress at a state dinner.

It's just getting creepier as the election approaches.

Limbaugh: "It Has Gotten So Bad, They Had To Send Moochelle Out There In A Lady Gaga-Type Getup. She Went Shopping At Target." During the September 30 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show, Limbaugh said: "It has gotten so bad, they had to send Moochelle out there in a Lady Gaga-type getup. She went shopping at Target." [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 9/30/11, via Media Matters]

Malkin: Obama Went To Target "About As 'Incognito' As Lady Gaga." In a September 29 blog post, Michelle Malkin attacked Obama for shopping at Target, writing that Obama was "about as 'incognito' as Lady Gaga's outfit at her younger sister's graduation." Malkin went on to call the first lady "the glamour queen" and further stated that Obama's Target visit was "[t]o counter the negative diva buzz" and that it "[l]ooks like she left the bling at home." [MichelleMalkin.com, 9/29/11, via Media Matters]

The Blaze: "What Luck!" Obama "Wasn't Snapped Without Make-Up, With Messy Hair Wearing Sweatpants To Do Her 'Everywoman' Shopping." A September 30 post on The Blaze stated:

Our First Lady has sooome luck. Not only is her hubby the leader of the free world, but just as the Obama camps [sic] is desperately looking for a way to relate to America's Average Joes, a staff photographer with the Associated Press just so happened to be there to document her recent Target shopping jaunt.


What luck! Obama also wasn't snapped without make-up, with messy hair wearing sweatpants to do her "everywoman" shopping... like some of us who will remain nameless.

Exit question: I could see a quick stop in at the local Target store as something that might happen out on the campaign trail. But who really believes Michelle Obama left the White House to pop in at the Alexandria, Va., Target because the East Wing ran out of paper towels? [The Blaze, 9/30/11, emphasis in original]

Weasel Zippers: "Honestly, Who Does She Think She's Fooling?" A September 29 Weasel Zippers post titled, "Pic of the Day," stated, "See, Mooch is just like us!" and showed a photograph of the first lady at Target. The post went on to ask, "Honestly, who does she think she's fooling?" [Weasel Zippers, 9/29/11]

I guess they're cranky. It's the idea of having Mitt Romney running as the 2012 GOP nominee because Chris Christie has continually rebuffed all their slobbering man-crush pleas. Poor right-wingers, they need a nap. Because really, Michelle Obama is in their crosshairs? She has been nothing but a model First Lady. It's a creative game they have of just making stuff up. I'll try it: If she disappeared from sight for a few weeks Beck would say that she must be hiding in a cave in Kenya practicing some ancient voodoo mojo to undo Christianity in America so we'll be more susceptible to becoming Marxistsocialistheavens.

Try your own hand teabircher thinking. It's shockingly easy.

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