The Right Wing War On Symbols Continues

Of course something this ludicrous had to appear on Breitbart's site written by Frank Gaffney: Can This Possibly Be True? New Obama Missile Defense


Of course something this ludicrous had to appear on Breitbart's site written by Frank Gaffney: Can This Possibly Be True? New Obama Missile Defense Logo Includes A Crescent

The Obama administration’s determined effort to reduce America’s missile defense capabilities initially seemed to be just standard Leftist fare — of a piece with the Democratic base’s visceral hostility to the idea of protecting us against ballistic missile threats. A just-unveiled symbolic action suggests, however, that something even more nefarious is afoot.

Gaffney later had to issue an apology of sorts.

And as Digby observes: Teabaggers Aren't The Only Kooks.

They are part of the same pie. The war against symbols has been going on ever since Bush took office. Remember how insane the right wing went over the red crescent design that won the memorial of the Flight 93 back in 2005?

flight93-red crescent_beb74.jpg

And FOX News had to get in on it too.

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