Rush Limbaugh Attacks Fox News GOP Debate: 'They Want Approval From The Mainstream Media'

Rush Limbaugh usually goes to bat for Fox News and defends them from their rank conservative agenda or takes the credit that they use his very own talking points to attack Obama with, but after the debate he had a different opinion entirely. He

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Rush Limbaugh usually goes to bat for Fox News and defends them from their rank conservative agenda or takes the credit that they use his very own talking points to attack Obama with, but after the debate he had a different opinion entirely. He was really upset that the candidates were tearing themselves apart because Fox wanted them to so they could receive pats on their backs from the MSM. He was also outraged that the moderators and producers took some time to decide what questions to ask the candidates and not letting it be completely spontaneous---kinda like his radio show. He doesn't bother producing segments. It's all off the cuff. See, everything on TV is scripted so if the producers of any debate take their time to try and craft a comprehensive show, it's phony. That's RushBo logic.

Limbaugh: "They Want Approval From The Mainstream Media"

I guess he felt bad for his pal Newt. Gingrich would rather talk about gutting government regulations rather than answer questions from Chris Wallace about why his staff has been quitting or that his campaign is in debt. Hey, I wanted to know where the Tiffany's questions were? Don't fret Rush, he had Hannity run to his rescue afterwards.

Hannity: Newt's Gotcha Question Shows Double Standard

Wallace pointed out to Gingrich that, in June, he suffered a huge staff exodus.

"How do you respond to people who say that your campaign has been a mess so far?" he asked.

Gingrich was highly displeased by the question, and he turned on Wallace.

"I took seriously Bret's injunction to put aside the talking points," he said, referring to a request Wallace's co-host Bret Baier had made at the outset of the debate. "And I wish you would put aside the gotcha questions...I'd love to see the rest of tonight's debate asking us about what we would do to lead America...instead of playing Mickey Mouse games." [h/t Huffington Post]

And of course, Sean Hannity was appropriately concerned for poor Newt, but evidently that concern obliterated his short-term memory.

HANNITY: You know, I don't mind hard questions. I think they're important. As I was watching tonight's debate, you know what ran through my mind? In all the time that President Obama ran, he didn't experience one of these moments that I can really think of. So the double standard is clear.

Wallace responded on Fox & Friends to Newt's continued conservative whine.

On Friday, Wallace didn't mention Hannity's criticism. He told "Fox and Friends" that he was simply doing his job. "Welcome to the NFL," he said. "We're talking about presidential politics. It isn't beanbag." Gingrich, he suggested, was just unhappy to be asked a tough question.

"I'm sorry Speaker Gingrich was unhappy," he said. "...I guess it was something about shooting the messenger.".

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