Rush Limbaugh Says: Left Upset With Obama Because "White People Are Not Shining The Shoes Of Black People"

Rush Limbaugh is getting more racist as time goes by. I know, I know, he's been truly racist already, but I'm telling you, his vitriol is increasing and will continue as the election grows near. It's getting me very nervous. Limbaugh: Left

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Rush Limbaugh is getting more racist as time goes by. I know, I know, he's been truly racist already, but I'm telling you, his vitriol is increasing and will continue as the election grows near. It's getting me very nervous.

Limbaugh: Left Upset With Obama Because "White People Are Not Shining The Shoes Of Black People

He rambles on about the left and their anger and blacks and whatever you can make of it. Yes, progressives aren't happy about many things, but not who's shining whose shoes. He's been trying to gin up phony racism coming from the African American community ever since Obama was elected. Here's a flashback post I wrote on 10/10/09, when he used a clipped audio from Detroit via WJR Detroit's Ken Rogulski. Rush Limbaugh Uses Innocent Detroiters As Show Pinata

The conservo-talk reporter cherry picked through the audio booty until he found the absolute best soundbite that would most perfectly frame the city as one filled with Obama-fawning morons, black Sambos, and greedy welfare grabbers - precisely, as Limbaugh would later argue, the kind of rank idiots who would vote for someone like America's first black president. Surely Ken's heart must have been pounding as he attached the audio to his corporate email and double checked the top-secret "To" address that would land the .MpP3 directly onto the desk of Rush's long time producer, Kitt Carson. JACKPOT!

Carson fast-tracked the audio to the OXYmoron, and by noon it was airing live.

"Where's the money coming from?!" Rogulski quickly quizzes.

"Obama!" the giddy resident chirps, confident the day will end in a bill being paid, or a week's worth of groceries to stuff into the old fridge.

"And where does Obama get it from?!" Rogulski follows up. To the more politically refined in the conservative talk world, the answer is loud and clear - TAXPAYERS. But Rogulski knows full well these "Motown simpletons" will not be so cynical as to believe he's recording them with intentions of caricaturing them later as thigh-slapping morons.

"I dunno! His stash, I dunno. But he givin' to us! We love him!"


And Rush could not have been happier. No editing necessary for his staff, no double checking, it was packaged, edited and air ready. And for three straight days, the AM Shock Talker pounded the audio candy like he had just been told the funniest joke this week. Listen to how the first audio soundbite is edited to end with a laugh, which to the racist's ear is a dog-whistle. To a bigot, it is the laugh of bug-eyed Jemima. But to the rest of America, it is the innocent guffaw of a child holding out her hands for a cool drink of water in one of the hottest economic downturns in a century


This is sickening stuff.

Lost in all this garbage is that George Bush and Conservative policies after Clinton left office with a "surplus' have put this country in a very bad position as well as the rest of the world. Conservatives like to forget that they burned down the house already.

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