Rush Limbaugh's Guide To Sexually Harassing Women

Rush Limbaugh is a known anti-feminist and hater of all things liberal, but what he said on his Monday morning radio show was downright dirty to the core.

I've been trying to figure out where Limbaugh came up with the idea that Liberals don't want men to look at women anymore and I found a ridiculous article by a weirdo named Patrick Howley on The Daily Caller that probably fed him his gibberish. Here's his big complaint from some study he read up on.

Maybe catching a side glance of some cleavage on the subway isn’t for you. Fine. But for those of us who enjoy that, it’s one more thing that we’re allowed to do in this country. I’m not big on skiing, but if I see somebody walking down the street with some skis I’m cool with that. Why ban things that you might want to try sometime? I’m not saying looking at tits is any kind of noble pursuit. But it’s one more freedom. It’s one more thing that has been allowed in this country since the time of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. One more thing that we’re not going to be allowed to do in the progressive future. And you know what else? A lot of women like it.

How are liberals supposed to ban people checking out the ladies? Have you read anything as stupid as this lately? Don't answer that because today I posted about the Ted Cruz coloring book. But the crazy keeps chugging along in the conservative village. Rush Limbaugh obviously needed some material today so he pounced on this.

LIMBAUGH: I know a lot of you, you hear this thing -- a bunch of leftists want to try to stop men from looking at women and you think, 'they can't do that.' That's not the point. Whether they can or can't, it will gain momentum. And it may not be for years, but this is who they are. This is -- this is how inane and inviolate they are of basic human nature. It's one of the biggest ways to understand liberals. They just despise human nature and try to alter it and change it and create it. Because many of them just don't fit in with it in many ways.

But there's a way around this, guys. You got to have fun with this kind of stuff, as you know. So let me offer a first suggestion, the first way to deal with this that came into my mind. You find yourself staring, looking at, casually glancing at a woman, but you know that it's now socially taboo. You shouldn't be doing it. And you think everybody is noticing you doing it and condemning you in their minds. You shouldn't -- so you walk up to the woman and say, "Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?"
Try that. Might help. And you don't know 'til you try it.

This is supposed to be funny-ha-ha? A bunch of leftists are out to curb conservatives eye roaming privileges. I was going to beat up on Limbaugh mostly because he's so offensive, but then I read the Daily Caller article and had to chime in on it. What's his evidence you ask as to the idea that liberals are attacking conservatives eyeballs.

It’s already started. There was the Massachusetts secretary who sued her boss for staring at her breasts. There was the social media uproar when two tech conference presenters in San Francisco made a joke presentation for an app based on men’s desire to stare at breasts.

This is what the progressives exist to do. They take away our activities. If it’s an activity and it’s kind of fun or pleasurable, the progressives are going to take it away. That’s the very basis of their personality type. They’re the regulators. The hall monitors.

A woman felt harassed because a dude was constantly staring at her boobs and he gets off because he has some eye disease. That's a lefty conspiracy? And the app Titstare would be offensive to anybody who had even a sliver of human decency, but hey, Patrick Howley better check the fluoride in his water.

Mandrake, have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?

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