Sarah Palin To Be Part Of The National Council For A New America

First it was killin' a turkey and now a dead bear. You betcha! Anyway, Sarah Palin plans to join the National Council for a New America: Alaska Go

First it was killin' a turkey and now a dead bear. You betcha!

Anyway, Sarah Palin plans to join the National Council for a New America:

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be part of the National Council for a New America, an attempt by leaders in Congress and potential 2012 presidential candidates to rebrand the struggling party.

"I am pleased to announce that Governor Palin has joined the National Council for a New America's panel of experts," said House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) today. "When NCNA was announced last week, we spoke about a dynamic organization that worked to constantly bring in new people and innovative ideas."

Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), who shared the national ticket with Palin, had hinted at Palin's involvement during a conference call last Thursday announcing the National Council's formation.

But, her office had been largely silent in the intervening days and Cantor's office made clear only that she had been invited to join not that she had accepted.

Palin's involvement in the group will help rebut the idea that the National Council is an organ of the establishment wing of the party set up to keep the Palins and Gov. Mark Sanford's (S.C.) -- both of whom are more hardline conservatives -- from taking over control of the party.

Her appearance on the panel is just window dressing -- some useful PR for Herself. I do believe she would have agreed with the dittohead who said he thought America doesn't need education. Only Rush Limbaugh.

Sarah will be right at home with the wingnut base that attends these townhalls. She was a complete failure as a VP candidate and had no ideas of any kind except to call Obama a terrorist lover. (Well, that was actually Karl Rove's idea. My mistake.) She might think about animals just a wee bit more, don't you think?

David Shuster brings us Sarah Palin's extremely creepy turkey pardoning and post-pardoning interview from Wasilla, Alaska. The whole thing plays like something out of the Twilight Zone or the latter stages of Fargo.
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