Saxby Chambliss' Repulsive Response To Gay Marriage

Senator Saxby Chambliss was asked if he supported gay marriage. His answer was offensive in more ways than one.

Saxby Chambliss who are utterly asinine in how they express their views.

Support for gay marriage is picking up steam all over the country — except on Capitol Hill.Take Sen. Saxby Chambliss. When asked if his views had changed on gay marriage, the Georgia Republican quipped: “I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one.”

“I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one.” WTF does that mean? Gay marriage is not for non-gays, you ass. Gay marriage is for teh gays, hence the name, get it? How repulsive is this man? Is there any wonder why Congress is so frakked up with morons like this?

And then there's Senator Rand Paul, the media darling of the past few weeks. Right after he stood up against the droning of US citizens on US soil he immediately began to kowtow to the religious right with his push for "Life at Conception Act" and when asked again about gay marriage, said this:

“I believe in traditional, historic and the religious nature of marriage,” said Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, the tea party Republican and possible 2016 presidential candidate. “Marriage is always a state issue, and I think it should remain a state issue.”

States' rights doesn't work as an excuse with this issue because married couples move from state to state all the time. And that's not even getting into the civil rights issue either.

Oy, my head hurts. Please make it stop.

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