Sharron Angle Sez Harry Reid 'Waterboarded' Our Economy, Fibs About Social Security, De-regulate Big Oil & Repeal 16th Amendment

[media id=17200] Sharron Angle, the teabgger candidate trying to unseat Harry Reid is taking the Rand Paul approach to politics by staying off the n

FOX News and other conservative information clearinghouses. She scrubbed "teh crazy" from her website as quickly as she could and refuses to give real media the time of day.

Today she gave her first TV interview to FOX & Friends and told Doocy and Co. many false things.

Gretchen starts out the interview and starts off with her own falsehood. What a shock.

Gretchen: It must be such a whirlwind experience for you, someone who really has not been in politics before and suddenly you are running against one of the most powerful politicians in the United States.

Angle: Well I have been in politics for the last twelve years, I started out on the school board and then I served four terms in the Nevada state legislature so it's not really the first time....

Then she tells the big lie about her feelings for Social Security.

Doocy: Before you go, Sharron, perhaps it's misinformation or a mischaracterization, but some have said you are out get rid of Social Security. That's not true, right?

Angle: That's nonsense. I have always said that we need to make the lock-box, a lock-box. Put the money in there for our senior citizens. They came here in good faith paying into a system that Harry Reid has put an IOU in. For 24 years he has been raiding Social Security and what we need to do is personalize Social Security and Medicare so government can no longer raid it.

Really, you don't want to obliterate Social Security? Then where did this come from?

Sen. Harry Reid's (R-Nev.) first negative ad against Sharron Angle, whose underdog campaign won the right to challenge him last week, takes the tack that we'd expected, hitting the Republican over comments made this year about "phasing out" Social Security and supporting a Scientology-backed prisoner rehabilitation program.

Angle also wants to wipe out the 16th Amendment.

Angle also says cutting taxes isn't sufficient. She wants to repeal the 16th Amendment, which created the federal income tax, a move that would make it impossible for the government to operate. Angle says the federal income tax – and the entire Internal Revenue Service code – could be replaced with a flat-tax-type system.

And if that isn't disastrous enough, she also wants to get rid of regulation on Big Oil and Drill, Baby, Drill:

As a long-term policy, America must expand its own domestic energy supplies. Sharron Angle would legislate to repeal regulations that prohibit off shore drilling, drilling in ANWR and development of American owned petroleum resources.

And is a fan of the Oath Keepers. She's a candidate the tea party crowd will love. Let's see what Nevada thinks when it's time to vote.

Here's Harry Reid's first campaign ad.

Hilariously, a Fox affiliate complains that Harry doesn't need to run any negative ads against Angle, since Fox & Friends did such a good job mangling the interview:

Harry Reid may not need to spend millions of dollars to marginalize his opponent in the U.S. Senate race.

He can just let “FOX & Friends” handle it.

Republican nominee Sharron Angle appeared on the cable news program Monday morning in an interview rife with inaccuracies, softball questions and poor research on the part of the producers and hosts.

[..] If Angle was upset, she didn’t show it. But no doubt her campaign team was furious that their candidate was being treated like some political novice who accidentally won the nomination, like the high school senior who runs for mayor and wins.

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