Stuart Varney On The Poor: What They Lack Is The Richness Of Spirit

Stuart Varney is one of Fox's most popular business and economic reporters. I say this not because he's good or bad, but because you can see him on his own show on Fox Business Network and all through the day on FNC. He does his guest spots on Fox

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Stuart Varney is one of Fox's most popular business and economic reporters. I say this not because he's good or bad, but because you can see him on his own show on Fox Business Network and all through the day on FNC. He does his guest spots on Fox & Friends, Megyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly. Maybe Roger Ailes just likes Varney's accent. We know what else he likes on his telecasts.

The Daily Show: Varney: Poor families in the United States are not what they used to be.

* Rector (Heritage): When you look at actual living conditions of the 43 million people the census says are poor, you see in fact they have all these modern conveniences

Varney: 99.6% of them have a refrigerator.

Stewart: 99% have refrigerators...How dare you.

Varney: It was funny, Now that was Jon Stewart going after me for telling the truth about poor people. The image we have of poor people as starving, living in squalor really is not accurate. Many of them have things, what they lack is the richness of spirit. That's my opinion.

This is so twisted that I can't even begin to analyze this thinking. It's definition time:

Squalor A filthy and wretched condition or quality.

Having a few things means exactly what, Varney? Poverty doesn't exist? One person or family must be completely destitute with the emphasis on squalor or they are leeches who suck the life out of job creators because his buddies are being taxed because of them.

Here's FDR on these tax cutting bastards who have been with us a lot longer than Varney has:

President Roosevelt: “In 1776 the fight was for Democracy in Taxation. In 1936 there is still the fight. Mister Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said ‘taxes are the prices we pay for civilized society’. One sure way to determine the social conscience of a government is to examine the way taxes are collected and how they are spent. And one sure way to determine the social conscience of an individual is to get his tax reaction. Taxes, after all are the dues we pay for the privilege of membership in an organized society. And as society becomes more civilized government, national and state and local, is called on to assume more obligations to its citizens. The privileges of membership in a civilized society are vastly increased in modern times. But I am afraid we still have many who still do not recognize their advantages and want to avoid paying their dues.”

Tax breaks for the wealthy were a concept well in place by the time Hoover was President.

Varney made these statements last week and I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner.(h/t Atrios)

I guess if Americans aren't living like this, they are living the high life.

Homeless during the Depression

Here's his Fox Bio:

Veteran business journalist Stuart Varney joined FOX Business Network as an anchor in September 2007. He also serves as a business contributor and substitute host for FOX News Channel's Your World with Neil Cavuto. He currently hosts Varney & Co. at 9:20AM ET. Since joining FNC's business team in January 2004, Varney has contributed to the network's weekday and weekend business programming including Your World with Neil Cavuto, Bulls & Bears, Cavuto on Business and Cashin' In.

What would Stuart Varney know about the poor?

Shanty Towns

@Varneyco let him know what you think. nicely. And tell @JohnAmato sent you.

( I added a few minor changes to the post after it was published)

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