'Support Liberal Authors' Example # 4: Ann Coulter

[media id=17291] As you know, many right wing hacks receive their wingnut welfare checks whenever they publish their books. They are commonly devoi

'Jews should be perfected" and that the 9/11 widows are reveling in their status as celebrities and she has never seen people enjoying their husband’s death so much." But conservatives can never go too far.

C&L has an extensive archive on Coulter alone, but Jezebel caught her on The View back in January going Hitler on the ladies.

Ann Coulter was on The View today, of which four of the five co-hosts are single mothers, a role that Coulter criticizes in her new book Guilty. As you can imagine, it wasn't pretty.

But instead, Ann wanted to complain that she was "attacked" in an earlier segment before she was on camera, alleging that Barbara read aloud from her book as though it were Mein Kampf. Ironic, since she's always going on about "victimization." Sherri put her back in her place, though, when she told her she didn't like how she was speaking to Babs. Joy's face during the entire thing, btw, was great.

Don't you just love how Coulter calls them Nazis in her own defense? It's typical. Terry Welsh has a post that calls out the NRO for still supporting one of their writers for pushing insane, Hitler nonsense about the president, just like the tea partiers.

But, when Thomas Sowell writes an article in The National Review which compares Obama's deal with BP to set up an escrow account to Hitler's use of the Reichstag fire to suspend civil liberties, well, that's a whole different kettle of fish. And when a Republican congressman quotes that essay with admiration on the floor of the House, we're in full on crazy territory...read on

Over The Cliff is a fact based, reality based book and doesn't rely on fantasy to fill in the blank pages. Mark Potak from the SPLC described the book like this:

Over the Cliff is a genuinely useful cataloguing of the remarkable descent of the American right into vicious name-calling, racist demonizing, and paranoid conspiracy-mongering since the election of Barack Obama. Amato and Neiwert do a first-rate job of chronicling the dangerous, populist rage on the right that pandering politicians and shameless media pundits are aiding and abetting.”

—Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project, Southern Poverty Law Center

You can grab a copy here.

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