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'Sadly, No!' nails Jonah Goldberg, the Doughy Pantload. James Wolcot issues the ultimate Pantyload smack down and sums it up like this: “Yes


'Sadly, No!' nails Jonah Goldberg, the Doughy Pantload.

James Wolcot issues the ultimate Pantyload smack down and sums it up like this:

“Yes, but Jonah speaks fluent Simpsons, which is why he’s so popular with campus conservatives as he goes about entertaining and mentoring the maroons of tomorrow.”

The only reason Goldberg's travesty of history, Liberal Fascism, hit the bestseller list was that thousands of conservatives rushed out to their bookstores and their Amazon pages and bought up lots of copies. Otherwise, this lying mediocrity would be buried in the obscurity he deserves.

Are you going to let the conservative movement get away with supporting lunatics like that? Just a few other reasons out of a gazillion to support real authors...


And buy this book.

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