Teabaggers Don't Like Michael Steele Or The GOP Because They Aren't Conservative Enough

[media id=11434] As much as Michael Steele is trying to suck up to the teabaggers, they aren't being seduced by his witless charm. IL Tea Party co-fo

FNC's Neil Cavuto the other day.

Steele: There really was this big push on tea parties and if I weren't doing this job I'd be out there with the tea parties.


CAVUTO: Retired Army Sergeant First Class and tea party activist Steve McQueen saying, “Not so fast Mr. Steele.” He joins me right now. Steve, you would say “not quite,” right?

MCQUEEN: Not quite, Neil. Actually the Tea Party is, I liken that to an army of Davids which I am only one. I do confer with Tea Party organizations all over the country so I feel confident that I understand what the movement’s about and as I understand it right now, the GOP is currently on probation with the American people and obviously you can’t be on probation and probably be a member of the Tea Parties at the same time.


MCQUEEN: I'm saying that the last possibly a year specifically has been a time where I believe that the American, the conservative side of the American constituency has lost trust in all partisan politics and until we get that back on track. Until all candidates, all elected officials in our country are finding themselves in a place where they are representing the outrage the trampling of our constitution and until they are out there representing people in the actual views of American citizens they are going to be on indefinite probation with the American people.

There are great misconceptions about the tea partiers. The reason they are attacking the GOP is because they aren't as far right as they would like them to be. It's not out of anger about politicians being in the pockets of Corporations, but that they haven't bowed down enough to them.

McQueen says teabaggers are upset just by the GOP's behavior during the last year. Seriously? That's why they are mad. They should be praising these GOPers. Not a word about how Bush expanded the government or how he took the deficit to new heights or that Bush led us into two disgusting wars. Nope. As long as conservatives are in charge, Fox News would never have helped create them. It's that they aren't conservative enough. McQueen and his fellow teabaggers want fringe conservative values being represented to the max. And remember, we can't have brown people running around needing health care, we can't have regulations making sure Wall Street and others have rules to follow to protect Americans from their unfettered power and we can't have New Deal programs like Social Security messing with their lives.

In the end, the Tea Party people want to rule the GOP, as they've said before.

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