Tell Lou Dobbs To Stop Peddling False Information About The Employee Free Choice Act
This really isn't complicated. The Employee Free Choice Act gives the workers the right to select how they will form the union. At this point, the emp
This really isn't complicated. The Employee Free Choice Act gives the workers the right to select how they will form the union. At this point, the employers have that right and it's not fair. Lou Dobbs knows this, but needs to keep repeating republican talking points.
DOBBS: We well, the American people voted for lots of things, but I don't know a lot of people voted to end a secret ballot. That's pretty radical, even in this era of nationalization and socialization of our economy, isn't it?
That's just a lie Lou. The workers can vote to keep it "secret."
Dobbs' claim that EFCA would eliminate the "secret ballot" in union authorization elections, which has been a centerpiece in a U.S. Chamber of Commerce-funded anti-union PR campaign (see Nation, 1/26/09), is completely false. As the text of the act (H.R. 800, 3/2/07) reveals, EFCA contains no language about eliminating the "secret ballot" enshrined in the National Labor Relations Act under Section 9 e.
Under EFCA, workers would still have the right to vote in a National Labor Review Board (NLRB) "secret ballot" election if 30 percent of the workforce signs cards, just as they do now. EFCA would change the process of union formation by giving workers seeking to join a union an additional option of winning union representation after a majority of the workforce signs cards, through a new provision to the act (section 9 c 6).
As American Rights at Work points out, this method of union sign-up, known as "majority sign-up" or "card check," is already recognized under current labor law, but only when the employer approves it. EFCA would represent a change in such union drives by removing the ability of employers to withhold recognition and to insist on an NLRB election.
ACTION: Ask Lou Dobbs to stop repeating the business lobby's false charge that EFCA would eliminate secret ballot elections.
Lou Dobbs
The media has already adopted the konservative talking point and don't even use the proper name when talking about this important bill. If you want to make a republican scream, just mention the word, "Card Check." It drives them crazy, but they couldn't tell you anything about it except the lie driven media's "secret ballot" nonsense. And as usual the Blue Dogs are acting like konservatives once again:
Blue Dogs To House Dem Leaders: Hold Off On Employee Free Choice
Blue Dog Democrats in the House have asked House Dem leaders to postpone a vote on the Employee Free Choice Act until after the Senate votes on it, and the Democratic leadership has agreed, a senior House Dem aide tells me.
The discussions are likely to disappoint some in the labor movement, who see Employee Free Choice as their top priority and had hoped the House would act quickly and pass a strong bill before the Senate passes a weaker version. Proponents and foes of the measure alike say the Senate is expected to be the major battleground over the bill because of the tight Dem majority.
Blue Dog Dems have told House leader Steny Hoyer that they don’t want a vote on Employee Free Choice before the Senate because they fear they’ll end up having to vote for two different versions of the measure, compounding the political damage they may face in moderate districts, the aide says.