Thanks For The Company. What A Ride It Has Been!

I just want to thank all the C&L readers for joining me and the team in our quest to try and help heal this nation from Conservative rule these last f

I just want to thank all the C&L readers for joining me and the team in our quest to try and help heal this nation from Conservative rule these last four years. What a wild ride it's been. Of course, the Villagers are spinning as fast as they can and writing articles assuring us that this is a right of center nation. Don't believe it.

And who would have thought that we'd be on the threshold of electing the first African American President?

Duncan writes:

I didn't think I would see it, or even anything this close, either. It isn't because I think the country is so racist that a rough plurality of voters wouldn't vote for an African-American, it's because winning a presidential election campaign is hard. Winning a presidential primary campaign is hard. Becoming a senator or governor is hard. Achieving enough in life that running for senator or governor is even an option is hard. And all of that is just a little bit harder if you aren't white. There are barriers, some big and some small, at every level. Given that, and given the number of people who aren't just simply white but are born on third base, it was hard to imagine that anyone could possibly manage to actually do it.

I actually did believe that I would see it in my lifetime, but not the prospect of it so soon. And because of Hillary Clinton, the prospects for the first woman President are right there with us as well. Only from the left could these ideas ever be realized and acted upon.

So what kind of nation are we then, Jon Meacham?

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