They've Only Just Begun.... vote! White lace and promises... There are a bunch of votes still left to take in the Senate. How many, you ask? Ezra Klein knows: Louisvil vote! White lace and promises...
There are a bunch of votes still left to take in the Senate. How many, you ask?
Louisville, Ky.: Ezra, can you shed some light on the process involved in moving the Health-Care bill through the Senate? I've heard bits and pieces about number of votes required, but would like some clarification about: voting to block filibuster in the Senate, taking the bill back to a joint Senate-House conference, then back to the floor for final vote. Would you expand on this? Thanks.
Ezra Klein: Sure. Next move is the Finance Committee vote on Tuesday: that requires a bare majority of the committee (I think that means 11 votes, but that's just memory). Then Reid and the Democratic leadership blend the HELP and Finance bills into one bill. That doesn't require any votes. Then the bill comes to the floor. It'll need 60 votes against a filibuster, and 51 votes in favor of the legislation.
Then we have to deal with the House bills. Do you have a headache? People are becoming very irritable in America. Haven't you noticed? The health-care debate and the economic situation is really, really making life miserable for most of America.
A kiss for luck and we're on our way...
Before the rising sun we fly...
So many roads to choose...
We start out walking and learn to run...