Real Time with Arianna Huffington and hung out with
Tucker Carlson in the green room during the Valerie Plame story. We talked for about twenty minutes and he seemed like a really nice guy. Unfortunately he's not the same person on teevee. He joined Bret Baier on Fox News' Special Report yesterday and made the ludicrous assumption that some independents would vote for Romney because the ugly images on their TVs would hammer home the sense that America is going in the wrong direction. It was so stupid that Bret Baier felt the need to push back against his analysis, and I don't think I've ever seen Baier do something like that.
Carlson: I think on the margins this probably hurts Obama a little bit in that it adds to the general feeling that things are amiss in American. In specific terms I think in one swing state affected by the storm, Pennsylvania. And if there’s one place you could see the effect of the Hurricane hurting voting turnout would be in Philadelphia, maybe on the margins that helps the Romney campaign in the state of PA.
Baier: Let me push back. It hurts because ‘things are amiss in America,’ because a hurricane --
Carlson: Look, I’m in no sense suggesting people are rationally going to conclude Obama is responsible for the hurricane, of course not. But, if you are looking for a key candidate, the incumbent, and asking, ‘Am I happy with the state of the country right now?’, it’s possible on the margins to affect a tiny group of undecided voters at this stage that, the fact that there’s a hurricane and ugly pictures on television will add to the cumulative effect that America isn’t going in the right direction.
Baier: Although response and how the response has gone arguably you had New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who said the president's done very well and it's going smooth.
My God, being made to look like a dummy on Fox is something a host will rarely do to a conservative guest, but in Tucker's case Bret made the exception. Having to explain that you weren't in any way channeling Pat Robertson made him look feeble. Carlson, please go back to attacking Jon Stewart for bashing CNBC and Jim Cramer.