Villager Truthers
You rarely see any outrage from the Beltway media when Republicans make insane claims about Democratic policies or politicians. When Alan Grayson went on the attack to try and get better health care for the country, the media quickly threw him
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You rarely see any outrage from the Beltway media when Republicans make insane claims about Democratic policies or politicians. When Alan Grayson went on the attack to try and get better health care for the country, the media quickly threw him under the bus as fast as they could. There is a huge double standard playing out in the media and it couldn't happen at a worse time. Why is it fine for John Boehner to say on CBS that everything is on the table to lower our deficit except raising taxes?
REPRESENTATIVE JOHN BOEHNER: No more whistling past the graveyard. And now is the
time to deal with the fiscal problems we have in an adult-like manner.HARRY SMITH: Including Medicare?
REPRESENTATIVE JOHN BOEHNER: Medicare, Medicaid, all-- everything should be on the
table except raising taxes because raising taxes will hurt our economy and hurt our ability to
create jobs in our country.
That's not putting everything on the table. Raising taxes brings in much-needed revenue, and to dismiss that out of hand is not acting like an adult. How many times have you heard the Beltway media hail Paul Ryan as a brave and bold man instead of dissecting his policies in detail and exposing them for the shams they are? Luckily, we're allowed at least one liberal economist on TV to speak up for us instead of the usual Conservative Democrat.
The Villagers have declared that the Democrats are not allowed to tell the truth about Republican plans.
How about we replace their "employer provided health insurance" with a voucher and see if they think it's the same thing then.
Exactly. Let's ask media elites to have to suffer the same consequences and sacrifice they are asking the American people to have to swallow and see how they would react.
By the way, as monikers go, 'The Enema Man' fits Alan Simpson to a T.
So I see that Alan Simpson is still giving us wise advice. What does it take for someone to stop being regarded in Washington as a wise man?
The Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog stuff is actually the least of it. I turns out that Simpson has been telling us how to fix Social Security, yet he doesn’t know the most basic facts about the program, and when confronted with data from the Social Security Administration, he insists that they’re left-wing talking points.
Adding Simpson’s name to a document goes a long way to undermining that document’s credibility.