What's The Difference Between Romney's Medicare Plan And Ryan's? Nothin' At All

I keep hearing Republican surrogates like ex-Gov. John Sununu tell us that Mitt doesn't agree with everything Paul Ryan says and that he has his own economic/welfare plan that differs from Ryan's. Really? Actually Mitt Romney said this:

[oldembed width="420" height="245" src="https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640" flashvars="launch=48663378&width=420&height=245" fid="2"]

I keep hearing Republican surrogates like ex-Gov. John Sununu tell us that Mitt doesn't agree with everything Paul Ryan says and that he has his own economic/welfare plan that differs from Ryan's. Really? Actually Mitt Romney said this:

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign sought to distance the former Massachusetts governor from Paul Ryan’s controversial Medicare privatization plan on Saturday, but by Monday, Romney fully embraced his running mate’s proposal.

During a press availability in Miami, Romney turned down three opportunities to explain how his vision would differ from Ryan’s, telling reporters, “my plan for Medicare is very similar to his plan for Medicare.”

Romney refutes Sununu. That's rough. I guess repeated lies and misdirections is all Romney's peeps have to offer these days since the candidate likes to keep things vague. Sununu does echo the usual dishonest talking point to Andrea Mitchell that they're peddling nowadays, saying Obama cut $700 billion from Medicare for seniors. Andrea did correct him by observing that it wasn't a cut.

Mitchell: Governor Romney was trying to say there was not much difference between his plans and Paul Ryan's plans. Is Paul Ryan having been this specific...this his reputation he did vote for increases in spending, voted for the unfunded prescription drug benefit---he voted for TARP--he voted for the auto bailout, but in terms of of this years' budget---he's been very specific....

Sununu: Mitt Romney likes Paul Ryan's plan. It's a good plan. Mitt Romney thinks his plan is better and there certainly are differences that are real. The Democrats are going to try and pretend there are no differences, but there are some and Romney/Ryan will define those clearly in the next couple of days.

Sure he will.

Mittens couldn't tell us after being repeatedly questioned on Monday. Is Frank Luntz flying in on a Lear jet to help bail these guys out? Romney has been running for president ever since he was a little boy, and Ryan's plan has been out for like two years already. Why is it that Romney couldn't say how his plan is different from his new BFF? It's remarkable, really.

But, alas---they are hoping the Villagers will not bother fact-checking them. It's such a burden and uninteresting for TV. Andrea did try to say that Ryan had good virtue and Mittens should embrace it. The Beltway Village is so screwed up that she's giving Ryan a gold star for going public with his specifically dishonest budget.

When Sununu was on with Soledad O'Briend Monday, he got his butt whipped when she actually brought some facts and truth to the table.Those pesky details do need to be seen more often. David from C&L's Video Cafe posted this earlier.

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